PrISM Cardiovascular |
1- Atherosclerosis can appear on radiographs as abnormal density in the walls of vessels, produced by calcium deposits; normal vessels are not visible on radiographs unless intravenous contrast has been given; CT and MR can also be used to visualize calcification of vessels, but angiography using contrast material and fluoscopy is needed to be able to do interventions, such as angioplasty (dilation of narrowed areas with a balloon).
2- Some abnormalities of contour of the aorta, such as dilatation of the ascending aorta in Marfan's syndrome, can be seen on radiography but a more sensitive method is MR or CT; dilatation of the ascending aorta may be due to degeneration of the wall or can also be seen in aortic stenosis due to the effect of the high-velocity jet of blood passing the narrowed valve; ultrasound is also a useful modality for direct visualization of valves and their function.
3- Decreased function of the left ventricle can result in congestive heart failure, and this can be demonstrated indirectly on radiography due to changes in heart size, pleural fluid and edema in the lungs; direct visualization of wall motion of the left ventricle can be performed using ultrasound or MR.
4- Congenital defects of the heart may be seen on any type of cross-sectional imaging, including CT, MR and ultrasound, although the initial study is often still a chest radiograph; atrial septal defect may produce enlargement of central pulmonary vessels on radiography and the actual opening between the two atria may be seen and the amount of shunt quantified with ultrasound, CT or MR; correction may be via open surgery or endovascular interventions.