pulmonary cardiovasc ENT
item3 neuro


m2 GIimaging renal
case1 case2 case3 case4

Summary: Gastrointestinal imaging

1. Radiography is useful for patients with abdominal pain as a quick, low-radiation initial study to rule out obstruction or perforation but does not show solid organs, mesentery, fluid-filled loops or bowel wall.

2. Appendicitis can be diagnosed with US or CT, and selection of study must take into account the possibility of pregnancy in young females.

3. Flurosocopic contrast studies are rarely indicated for initial evaluation except in patients with dysphagia.

4. CT is more widely used than MR for solid organs and bowel, and can include positive (barium) or negative (water) contrast in bowel lumen.

5. MR is used primarily for problem-solving and for complex cases, particularly biliary, or for followup of known lesions (to reduce radiation dose), and is limited for evaluation of bowel due to peristalsis.
