Lobular Neoplasia
Lobular neoplasia (LN) is a marker for future breast cancer development; it is a spectrum of disease and is subcatgetorized into atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
Pathology: Proliferation of discohesive epithelial cells that distend lobular acini to varying degrees. If >/= 50% specimen involved, the diagnosis is LCIS. If less than 50% involvement, the diagnosis is ALH
Clinical significance: ALH increases breast cancer risk 4x, and LCIS increases breast cancer risk 8-10x, or 1-2% per year
Management depends on pathologic subcategory:
– ALH: Chemoprevention could be considered
– LCIS: Lifelong surveillance, chemoprevention, or bilateral prophylactic mastectomy; Recent literature supports conservative management
(Oppong 2011, Ikeda 2010, Georgian-Smith 2014, Sabel 2015)
LCIS image