Physical Therapy Imaging Cases |
blue (coracoid process)-pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, short head of biceps
green (supraglenoid tubercle)-long head of biceps
red (lesser tubercle)-subscapularis
blue (inferior margin of scapula)-teres minor
green (greater tubercle)-supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
red (spine of scapula)-
superficial layer-trapezius from above and deltoid from below
deep layer-supraspinaus from above and infraspinatus from below
blue (inferior angle of scapula)-teres major
green (glenoid)-labrum
red (AC joint)-acromioclavicular ligament
Which of these patients needs more imaging? What type of imaging? (click the dark blue button to consult the ACR Appropriateness Criteria)
acute shoulder pain
bone tumor