Two women, both with shortness of breath



This patient has hyperinflated lungs (INCREASED lung volume), most marked on the left (purple), but also on the right, producing a very flat diaphragm (blue).  She has a congenital type of emphysema called alpha-1-antritrypsin deficiency.  Because both lung bases are most severely involved, the heart is not significantly shifted to one side or the other.

This patient has a totally opaque left lung with marked shift of the trachea (yellow) and heart (blue) to the left, indicating that there is DECREASED lung volume on that side.  The cause is shown in red, a metastasis from her breast cancer to the left mainstem bronchus, which is totally obstructed leading to left lung collapse. Her right lung is increased in volume due to the left collapse, but that is NOT the major cause of her symptoms.